In order to provide users with a more timely understanding of naviTabi's situation, we have started publishing monthly reports starting in April 2020. We plan to report o
n the latest situation from the end of the month to the beginning of the following month, so we would appreciate it if you could watch naviTabi's trends.
1. Major updates released this
month 2.Events/courses played a lot th
is month 3.TOP
IC 4.Monthly users
5.Cumulative downloads
1. Major updates for this month's release
This month's app update is as follows: On
e of the biggest is
You can now find courses on the map.
I would like you to look for a course made by someone near your
home. When using, please update to the latest version of th
e app. <アップデート一覧>
home. When using, please update to the latest version of th
e app. <アップデート一覧>
– You can now search for courses on a map.
– You can now see the location of live events on a map.
– Fixed some bugs.
– You can now list starred events.
– On the straight course of the automatic punch, the buzzer sound is sounded when approaching the wrong spot by pulling out the turn order.
– You can now test the sound of automatic punch sounds from the play screen. Please use it before starting.
– Improved UI and fixed minor bugs.2. Events/courses played a lot this month
It is a course along the Tama River that is different from Chofu City to Komae Ci
ty to Setagaya Ward in Tokyo. It is a course that makes its way to the lower Tama River while meandering up and down the "slope" by the riverside terrace forme
d by the Tama River over a long history. From the upstream side to the downstream side, the course is up in three b
locks from Part 1 to Part 3. The course uploaded to Golden Week was played by many people even after the Golden Week period, such as on sunny weekends.

ty to Setagaya Ward in Tokyo. It is a course that makes its way to the lower Tama River while meandering up and down the "slope" by the riverside terrace forme
d by the Tama River over a long history. From the upstream side to the downstream side, the course is up in three b
locks from Part 1 to Part 3. The course uploaded to Golden Week was played by many people even after the Golden Week period, such as on sunny weekends.

How to avoid tri-secrets and hold rogening events
On May 25, the declaration of a state of emergency regarding covid-19 was
lifted. While it is required to balance the prevention of infection spread w
ith social and economic activities, NaviTabi recommends a method of holding rogening events while avoiding "sansso" and preven
ting the spread of infection. We are very sorry that there are many events that have already been decided to cancel to p
revent the spread of covid-19. We hope to be able to help spice up the navigation game even a little, and we also offer a special rate menu for those events that are revived in this way using NaviTa
bi. For details, please see the artic
le below ↓! 2020.5.26 Article How to avoid Sans dense and hold a rogening event

lifted. While it is required to balance the prevention of infection spread w
ith social and economic activities, NaviTabi recommends a method of holding rogening events while avoiding "sansso" and preven
ting the spread of infection. We are very sorry that there are many events that have already been decided to cancel to p
revent the spread of covid-19. We hope to be able to help spice up the navigation game even a little, and we also offer a special rate menu for those events that are revived in this way using NaviTa
bi. For details, please see the artic
le below ↓! 2020.5.26 Article How to avoid Sans dense and hold a rogening event

4. Number of monthly users
The monthly number of users in May 2020 was a
s follows: Plays: 1,467
s follows: Plays: 1,467
Number of events created: 346 even
ts Played a lot in Japan and all over France, resulting in the highest number of players ever!

ts Played a lot in Japan and all over France, resulting in the highest number of players ever!

5. Cumulative Downloads
NaviTabi's smartphone app has a cumulative down
load count of 5,133 (as of June 2)
. The main breakdown
s are
as follows. OS type / iOS:
3,045 (59%) Android: 2,088 (41%)
Top download countr
ies and regions
– Japan (77%) an
d France (7%)
Taiwan (7%) Denma
rk (3%) Austria (1%)