Publishing QR Code

NaviTabi allows you publsih QR codes which users can use to easily access NaviTabi Events.

Open the Manage Events & Courses menus from the Manage button on the bottom menu bar (for iOS). For Android phones, click the bar button on the top menu to access the Manage Events & Courses menu.

Choose the Event that you would like to publish QR code for from the Manage Events & Courses screen.

Clicking the event opens a menu from which you can select Publish QR Code.

The QR code is displayed.

When the QR code is scanned, a menu is shown asking to choose whether you would like to open the Event directly from NaviTabi App of  from the WebApp.

Choose Open to open the Application. Choose “No, View in Web” to open using the WebApp. The WebApp is for viewing only and you can not run the course.

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