NaviTabi Monthly Report / September 2020

In order to communicate the situation of NaviTabi to users in a more timely manner, we have posted a monthly report from April 2020.



 1. Major updates released this m
onth 2.Monthly user
s 3.Event creations
4.Cumulative downloads

1. Major updates for this month's release

This month's app update is as follows:
When using, please update to the latest version of the a

pp. < Update List (iOS) >

– You can now specify when you start whether or not to publish your current locati
on live. – You can now change the course name in the event
creation function. – Fixed some bugs.

– Fixed an issue where the screen layout would collapse in iOS14.

2. Number of monthly users

The monthly number of users in September 2020 was as follow
s: Number of plays: 1,180 plays
Number of events created: 123 Events T

he number of players has increased again as the temperature in September has calmed down.



3. Published events

The number of events currently open to the public is 948.
The number of events published in France has outs been oversading Japan.


4. Cumulative downloads


NaviTabi's smartphone app has a cumulative dow
nload of 7,135 (as of October 18). T

he main breakdowns

are as
follows. OS type / iOS:
4,285 (60%) Android: 2,850 (40%)

Top download countr
ies and regions
– Japan (66%) and
France (17%) T
aiwan (7%) Denmark
(2%) Portugal (2%)

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