NaviTabi Monthly Report / January 2021

In order to communicate the situation of NaviTabi to users in a more timely manner, we have posted a monthly report from April 2020.



 1. Major updates for this month
's release 2.Nu
mber of users 3.Courses up
4.Cumulative downloads

1. Major updates for this month's release


< Update List (iOS) >

3.9.0 – Au
to punch sounds can be selected from two types in the app's settings. – You can
now change the display order in the event list for event administrators. – The
events list for event administrators now allows you to archive events that you no longer use. – The cou
rse creation now allows you to set a narrower punch reaction distance (10m). Please use it in a situation where gps accuracy is good
enough. – Several bugs have been fixed.

– Fixed a bug in previous versions.

3.9.2 – Fi
xed an issue that could cause events to fall off. – Fi
xed an issue where selecting photos from the library in course settings could fall off.

When using, please update to the latest version of the app.

2. Number of monthly users

The monthly number of users in January 2021 was as follows
: Number of plays: 2,970 plays
Number of events created: 295 events



3. Courses that are up

NaviTabi has 1,532 events in 29 countries.

More than half of them are courses in France.


4. Cumulative downloads


NaviTabi's smartphone app has 13,286 cumulative downloads (as of January 31). The main b

reakdowns are as foll

ows. Top download co
untries and regi
ons – Japan (54%) an
d France (28%)
 Taiwan (6%) Portug
al (5%) Denmark (2%)

OS t
ype and iOS: 7,880 (
59%) Android: 5,406 (41%)


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