NaviTabi Monthly Report / April 2020

In order to provide users with a more timely understanding of naviTabi's situation, we will start publishing monthly reports starting in April 2020. We plan to report on the
first time from the end of the month to the beginning of the following month, so we would appreciate it if you could watch naviTabi's trends.



 1. Major updates released this
month 2.Events/courses played a lot th
is month 3.TOP
IC 4.Monthly users
5.Cumulative downloads

1. Major updates for this month's release

– You can now share the URL of events and play results.
– Fixed a bug.
– Course information is now displayed at the start of play.
– Adjusted the display size of photos on iPad.
– Fine-grained UI adjustments.
– Fixed some bugs.

2. Events/courses played a lot this month

This course is located on the campus of Taiwan National University
of Political Science. It seems that you enjoyed orienteering in the
score format. If you look at the photos taken, you can see how the group is going around.





A course has begun that will allow you to suspend and reunite your play. 【Course wanted】

When playing a long course, it is now possible to interrupt on the way due to breaks, etc., and to challenge the course continue again
. To commemorate this, we are looking for a course suitable for long-term chal
lenges. We call on SNS, etc., and have applied from 6 courses by May 19. We are looking for
applications until the end of May, so please apply! Pleas

e see this article for details of the recruitment.


4. Number of monthly users

The monthly number of users in April 2020 was as follows: N
umber of plays: 535 plays
Number of events created: 158 events


5. Cumulative Downloads

NaviTabi's smartphone app has accumulated downloads
4,143 (as of May 4).
The main breakdowns are as follows.
OS type
 iOS: 2,700 (65%)
 Android: 1,443 (35%)

Top download countries and regions
 Japan (81%)
 Taiwan (7%)
 Denmark (3%)
 France (2%)
 Austria (1%)

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