NaviTabi Monthly Report / March 2021

In order to communicate the situation of NaviTabi to users in a more timely manner, we have posted a monthly report from April 2020.



 1. Major updates for this month
's release 2.Nu
mber of users 3.Courses up
4.Cumulative downloads

1. Major updates for this month's release


< Update List (iOS) >

3.10.0 – I
mproved stability when playing courses with no time limi
t. – Straight course with loops is supporte
d. – For usage policy reasons, openStreetMaps used for foreign course background maps are no more visible.

When using, please update to the latest version of the app.

2. Number of monthly users

The monthly number of users in March 2021 was as follows
: Number of plays: 10,403 plays
Number of events created: 707 events



3. Courses that are up

NaviTabi has 2,049 events in 29 countries.

More than half of them are courses in France.


4. Cumulative downloads


NaviTabi's smartphone app has 22,072 cumulative downloads (as of March 31). The main

breakdowns are as fol

lows. Top download c
ountries and region
s France (52%)
and Japan (35%
) Taiwan (4%) Portu
gal (4%) Austria (1%)

OS t
ype / iOS: 13,200 (6
0%) Android: 8,872 (40%)


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